Why NZTC ?

Why choose NZTC?

New Zealand Tertiary College has been a popular choice for students in New Zealand and around the world for over 40 years and there are a number of reasons for that.


New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) approved

NZTC qualifications are approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), the New Zealand government body that oversees quality assurance for New Zealand qualifications. NZQA has systems in place to ensure consistency of training and assessment, ensuring New Zealand qualifications are valued as credible and robust both nationally and internationally.


Internationally recognised

NZTC qualifications are internationally recognised and listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). This framework is recognised and trusted worldwide and comes with an assurance of quality.


Flexible online study

Study your qualification via NZTC’s online learning platform (NZTC Online) and balance your studies with work and family commitments. Start your studies at any time and access course study materials and academic resources, interact frequently with lecturers, and submit and receive marked assessments online.


Engage with a global community

NZTC Global enables learners to engage with other students from around the globe, sharing knowledge and ideas through online learning features such as discussion forums and live chats.


Pathway options to New Zealand

Many of the qualifications available through NZTC Global have been designed to pathway into our programs in New Zealand. Students meeting the entry criteria who wish to move to New Zealand to study as an international student have the opportunity to study towards gaining NZ teacher registration.